Thursday, December 19, 2019

My dream job

My dream job

My dream job is to be a hairstylist because I have been doing it since I was young. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Riya,

    It’s Leisha here from the Summer Learning Journey. How are you? I hope you have been having a wonderful, fun-filled summer break so far!

    It is amazing to see that you have completed some of the SLJ activities while us blog commenters were on holiday. I am so excited to be back reading and commenting on your blogs for the next few weeks. Your dream job to be a hairstylist would be super fun. I used to want to be a hairstylist when I was younger too as I loved to do my friends hair, but now I am a teacher which I love so much :). What hairstyle is your favourite to do for your friends? Do you know how to french plait? That was one of my favourite hairstyles to do for my friends.

    Keep up the amazing posts Riya. I always enjoy reading what you share.



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