Wednesday, December 18, 2019

short poem describing how you felt when you first stepped foot on the moon

short poem describing how you felt when you first stepped  foot on the moon

Magnetic feels when I first stepped on the moon 
On the moon so nervous about what to do next
Offering to see the bright light soon
Nearly time to head home can't wait to share my story with other people

1 comment:

  1. Hi again Riya,

    Firstly, well done for completing so many of the week one activities! You are doing an amazing job. Keep it up!

    I really enjoyed reading your poem. I like that you made an acrostic poem too. You have described what it would feel like to step on to the moon in great detail. You might like to consider adding images or colour to your posts next time to make them stand out and eye catching for your readers. You are welcome to draw your own pictures or borrow images from the internet. Just remember if you do borrow images from the internet or others, to attribute these images but adding a link in your post to tell us where you found them.

    I hope you are having an awesome holiday so far. I look forward to reading your next post.



Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.